Yesterday I Did A Cry.
But today, Chloedog found a hedgehog in the garden and we fed her raisins, water, peanuts and Pedigree Chum Schmackos. Chloe kept looking for the hedgehog every time she went out into the garden, she was sniffing everywhere for her. I took some photos, wrote some non-scary post and it was sunny.
Every now and again, I get overwhelmed by the amount of music there is in the world that I like, and that I can't possibly listen to All The Songs at the same time. This happened today.
I also want to travel to All The Places, but I can't and that is sad.
So instead, I have just spent hours looking at them on Flickr. I have come up with some ideas of stuff round here that I'd like to take photos of, which is good I guess. My photography course starts in 6 weeks but I've already got the DVD through.
Tomorrow I begin my last week of working 21 hours and I will drop back down to 9 hours again. Which gives me lots of time to do All The Things, but not so much money. Swings and roundabouts. Oooh, maybe I will go to the park and take pictures of swings and roundabouts.
This is not a very linear entry.
I have "Heavyweight Champion of the World" by Reverend and the Makers going round in my head. Be like everybody else, be like everybody else, be like everybody else, just be like everybody else.
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