Thursday, 26 May 2011

Pharell - Frontin'

A Jar of Balloons Survey, by [james ensor]

(Yes, I'm one of *those* annoying people who likes to do surveys. Sorry!)

1.) How conscious are you of your posture?
Pretty conscious. My posture is pretty poor and because it's always been poor, I actually find it difficult and sometimes painful to put my shoulders back.

2.) What's the highest floor on which you've ever lived?
Mine and Benj's last flat was set on the first and second floors (or second and third floors if you're on the wrong side of the Atlantic ;) )

3.) Do you get jittery during airplane turbulence? How jittery?
Not really. I do say a prayer and ask that God looks after us all if the ride gets a bit bumpy and that calms me.

4.) Do you still drink glasses of milk?
Yes, yes I do! In't milk brilliant?!

5.) How's your balance?
Awful. I am the clumsiest person in the world.

6.) What games do you play with small children you meet (such as faking snatching off their noses by poking a thumb between fingers)?
Well I don't really spend much time with small children, but Cem will tell you I played choo choo trains with Onur in Sainsbury's haha. I don't like the whole fake nose-snatching thing, I dunno why!

7.) Is it your tendency to order the same dish over and over or mix it up?
Both. If there's a dish in a restaurant that I really like, I'll order it again, but I like to go to restaurants to try dishes I've never eaten before, if that's possible, so yeah, I think I err on the side of mixing it up.

8.) How are you at not losing pens?

9.) Have you ever made a scrapbook?
I've always started a scrapbook and never finished them. I'm better at photo albums :)

10.) Is there anything that feels nicer touching the back of the hand than a tassel? What about gently blown breath?
I find this question slightly creepy, I don't know why!

11.) What did you call bowel movements as a child?

12.) When at a museum, do you like to walk around by yourself or take the tour?
Walk around by myself. I like to explore without the "come here for enforced fun!" kinda stuff.

13.) When cooking, do you eyeball or measure?
Eyeball. I don't have any weighing scales or measuring cups, all my baking recipes are done by using a mug and estimation.

14.) Was your Christmas tree (if you had one as a child) fake or real? What was it topped with, an angel or a star?
Fake. And topped with a star. It's now fake and topped with an angel playing a violin. <-- I can't stand that ornament, she is playing the violin on the wrong side ARGH! Well, that's Mum and Dad's tree. I have my own that's 12 inches tall and that has tiny gold baubles and no topping.

15.) Do you wear non-winter hats?

16.) What celebrities have you met?
Sir Bobby Charlton when I was 3. Syd Little (if he counts as a celebrity, bless him. I used to work alongside him, but that's another story, hehe). That's about it, I think. Ronnie O' Sullivan once walked past me at Silverstone race circuit and I would've molested him if my other half wasn't in the garage next to me. Sad times.

17.) What is the deepest water in which you've been swimming?
Technically? The Atlantic ocean. But I hate being out of my depth as I'm a really poor swimmer.

18.) If you could walk on stage as the lead singer of any band in any time period, who would it be?
I would love to have been Robert Plant in 1972 or Freddie Mercury in 1986.

19.) About what subject (other than yourself) do you possess the most knowledge?
Errrrm, probably playing the violin or human biology stuff. A weird combo, I know!

20.) What is the worst you've ever burned yourself?
I'm pretty lucky, I have a burn scar about the size of my fingernail on my right wrist, that's it. (I caught it on the oven shelf whilst taking out a banana bread)

21.) What percentage of your life would you say you spend alone and recollecting?
At the moment, seeing as I only work 9 hours per week, I would say.... 80%. I spend a lot of time alone while Mum, Dad and The Brother are at work and I am an over-thinker, so yeah.

22.) Okay, you have a plate of cake and ice cream: do you go with a spoon, with a fork, or with both?
I would prefer the fork for the cake and a spoon for the ice cream, but I wouldn't use both pieces of cutlery at the same time, I don't like it.

23.) What advice do you generally give to people who have colds?
Drink fluids! And stay away from me.

24.) Have you ever seriously done the Limbo?

25.) How are you at impersonations? Do you stick with them when they aren't going well or jump ship?
I am appalling at them, in general. I'm okay at some accents, but yeah, impersonations I don't generally do because I am rubbish. If they're not going well I would jump ship and get embarrassed or take the piss out of myself.

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